New year’s resolutions “Ins” and “Outs”

I don’t like “Resolutions”. I’m not resolving to do anything. And I don’t like setting a goal for the year because it implies that when it’s done, I’m done with the resolution.

Instead, this year I’m doing “ins” and “outs”.


  • Go outside every day
  • Go to the theatre at least once a month
  • Make an effort to get to know my friends better
  • Try to get better sleep hygiene


  • Working early or late
  • Delaying from making dinner until it’s too late and then ordering takeaway
  • Not leaving the house until the afternoon on weekends

Obviously it’s early days yet. I had Covid at the start of the year, so that didn’t help 1 and 3 on the “ins”. I’m not doing tracking. And it’s currently nearly 3am and I’m working on this site, so the sleep hygiene isn’t going too well either.

But at the end of the year, I’ll review this and see how things are going.