Posts for: #Meta

What is this blog for?

When I started this website, it was merely out of regret that I hadn’t dedicated any time to my previous website, and the want to claim this domain (

But a website with just an About section is boring. And I like writing. I write letters (by hand) to penpals, family, friends. I like writing blog posts at work. So why shouldn’t I write blog posts in my personal life?

For those other things, I can always find a topic. At work I write about problems or solutions or successes. With my penpals, we share updates of our lives. But what should I write about on a personal blog?

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First Post

New year’s resolutions “Ins” and “Outs”

I don’t like “Resolutions”. I’m not resolving to do anything. And I don’t like setting a goal for the year because it implies that when it’s done, I’m done with the resolution.

Instead, this year I’m doing “ins” and “outs”.


  • Go outside every day
  • Go to the theatre at least once a month
  • Make an effort to get to know my friends better
  • Try to get better sleep hygiene


  • Working early or late
  • Delaying from making dinner until it’s too late and then ordering takeaway
  • Not leaving the house until the afternoon on weekends

Obviously it’s early days yet. I had Covid at the start of the year, so that didn’t help 1 and 3 on the “ins”. I’m not doing tracking. And it’s currently nearly 3am and I’m working on this site, so the sleep hygiene isn’t going too well either.

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